Lake Naivash and Crescent Island

Our first weekend of Christmas break, most of the staff went to Lake Naivasha for Sabbath.

I really like this picture because it shows where we came from and where we were headed to. Maai Mahiu is the first town we pass after entering the Rift Valley. In the background you see a sign for Longonot National Park. From Mt. Longonot, I got my first view of Lake Naivasha.

Here we are at the entrance for Crescent Island. It's not actually an island, we discovered, but more of a peninsula. Check out all the cacti!

Missionaries know how to potluck, that's for sure! Our lovely Vanna...I mean, Yani, shows off the delectable delicacies that were prepared (mostly from scratch)!

After pigging out, we walked off our lunch. On the "island" there are several animals that roam free, including wildebeests, zebras, waterbuck, gazelles, goats and sheep, and giraffes. We also saw several large birds--pelicans and kingfishers included--and heard a hippo in the water.
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