Richard's Bum Leg

To continue my previous post, the rest of the email:
"Oh...and then, when we got back to school, Richard went to play volleyball with his team. It was for the championship game. So, they win the first game, and at the start of the second, he trips over a student and hurts his ankle. I find out, because some of the younger kids came looking for me saying that Richard is hurt and he wants me. Thank God again because his foot isn't broken. We don't know, however, if he's torn a ligament or just sprained his ankle. It's swelling up nicely, but without changing colors or bruising. He may go to see the local Adventist orthopedic doctor. Turns out it's the same guy who fixed his broken arm when he was here as a Freshman."
Thankfully, after getting an X-ray in Rongai to confirm, (which some people would debate is questionable), no bones are broken. Just a "soft tissue injury" as the X-ray tech called it.

And, that was how we ended a "not-so-normal" town day. I sure do hope this week'll be better!
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