These are all pictures of flowers in our yard! We have a gardener who comes four times a week and takes care of them for us. Aren't they beautiful? And check out the bananas!
Saturday night, we ventured into Nairobi once more to celebrate birthdays--mine and Phillip's. Phillip is Richard's assistant boy's dean, and ironically, we share the same birthday! On the way, we saw fireworks. Of course, we went back to Habesha's for some good Ethiopian food. We invited other faculty and staff to join us. For some, it was their first time eating Ethiopian. Most everyone liked it, and we just had a fun time visiting with each other. We documented the occasion with a signature self-portrait. Happy 27th to me! (By the way, we're drinking Malta, in case you're wondering.)
I must have not been listening to God very well this week, because He had to use three completely different sources coming together as one for me to finally go, “Oh, I get it!” One of the first things I do in the morning, as I’m just waking up, is roll over in bed, grab my phone and read the Velvet Ashes blog post for the day. I always look forward to Fridays because the post on this day wraps up the week’s theme, stretches my thinking about it, and lingers with me throughout the weekend. This week’s theme is on Personality, and I was especially looking forward to learning more about the nine Enneagram types. Kimberly Todd did a great job of giving an overview of each type, and how they are connected to others, and my appetite was wet. I immediately began to speculate what number I was and even clicked on a link to help me find out, but because it directed me to a site where I needed to pay money, I gave up and moved on to my next morning activity....
I've been inspired to join by a very shy friend who has put herself out there in the blogging world. I figure if she can do it, so can I, especially since shy is not a word many would use to describe me. Gracias , Shari! I've titled my blog Un Poquito . Why? Por que ? Well, I guess it's because I'm hoping to resuscitate the little bit of espanol that is left in me. I've been noticiing lately that I'm beginning to lose it, and that's scary. I tried to carry on a conversation with abuelita the other day, and she had to keep guessing at what I was trying to say. Pathetic! Really I have no excuse, even though I blame it on the "fact" that I don't have anyone to practice it with...but that's not true. I could choose to speak to Mami only in Spanish. I talk to her everyday. I could choose to speak to everyone I know that speaks Spanish only in espanol , but I'm so embarrassed sometimes. I hate it when I stumble around looking for the right ...