Special Moments

Because we live on campus with our students, we have the privilege of participating in many special moments which we would otherwise miss if they went home every afternoon. The other night after vespers, we were invited to the hostel to celebrate Irisse's birthday (top left). Sure, we sang at school, but it was really enjoyable to visit at their "home" and celebrate with.

I remember how the times I've taught in the past, I'd hide from my students if I happened to bump into them outside of class (some would hide from me, too). Here, it's an every day occurrence to have them walking by your house or to wave at them as you hang your laundry. Before I came to Maxwell, I thought it would be too much, living and working with the same people, including my students. Now I realize how special it really it. It's a joy!

In case you're wondering, this is not the Blue (Power) Ranger. This is Richard being festive.

He posed for one more with me! Fun!
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