Abandoned Baby Centre

A couple of weeks ago, we went to the ABC (or Abandoned Baby Center) for our Sabbath afternoon outreach activity. The name of the place sounds horrible, but the people there are really doing a good work for these children who have no where else to go. The facilities are super nice, considering the area it's located in. Turns out an American couple from Texas started the place, and although they have turned the management of it over to locals, they still do upkeep and fund raising. I was impressed!

The kids really enjoyed the babies, but who wouldn't! Just look at there faces!

There must have been about twenty babies in the infant room. I held this precious little one. She just smiled and laughed at every face I made for her. She was about 7 months old.

Guy-smiley here was in the toddler room. He won our hearts over with his laugh and giggle. He's a happy boy!

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