Por que Un Poquito....

I've been inspired to join by a very shy friend who has put herself out there in the blogging world. I figure if she can do it, so can I, especially since shy is not a word many would use to describe me. Gracias, Shari!

I've titled my blog Un Poquito. Why? Por que? Well, I guess it's because I'm hoping to resuscitate the little bit of espanol that is left in me. I've been noticiing lately that I'm beginning to lose it, and that's scary. I tried to carry on a conversation with abuelita the other day, and she had to keep guessing at what I was trying to say. Pathetic! Really I have no excuse, even though I blame it on the "fact" that I don't have anyone to practice it with...but that's not true. I could choose to speak to Mami only in Spanish. I talk to her everyday. I could choose to speak to everyone I know that speaks Spanish only in espanol, but I'm so embarrassed sometimes. I hate it when I stumble around looking for the right word and then, seeing my frustration, the other person gives it to me and I...well, I lose face. So, I revert back to what I feel comfortable with--ingles, even when they may not feel comfortable with that.

But, all that has to change. Soon--ok, maybe not that soon, but eventually--I'll want to teach my children espanol, and I can't rely on Richard to help me with that. We probably won't be living near my parents, so I can't rely on los abuelos, either. Then, the only person I'll have to blame for them not being bilingual is myself. And that would really be a shame. So, me propongo practicar mi espanol un poquito mas todo los dias, even if that means I have to chat it up in Spanish with only PJ--my chihuahua. I want to be able to think en espanol again, like I did while I was in Honduras. So, Univision, Telemundo, Mami, and all my friends out there that speak espanol, ahora es las hora de ayudarme. Por favor...un poquito mas en espanol!


spo said…
Yo tambien tengo el mismo problema. Siempre se me olvida la palabra que necesito y me da mucha verguenza cuando la tengo que decir en ingles. Mis papas no ayudan porque ellos solo hablan ingles con migo, y Trevan, bueno el tampoco habla mucho.
Una sugerencia es que leas libros en espanol. Eso me ayudar mucho!
I am very happy that you have joined the blogging world, and I will try to keep up with your postings.
Love ya
Matthew said…
Quite a prolific blogger, do they limit how many posts you can make on your blog?
Unknown said…
Loved your pictures and blog. Hope your Spanish resuscitation goes well. Sorry I can't help you with it! Love, Mom

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